I enjoyed being there last night very much. First, we bought 'swamp things' and Dimas bought a plate of fried noodle while he said he had eaten twice before he came there. I didn't bought any food there since I just wanted to drink the monster drink.
Then Matthew came and join us. He opened his notebook and did some downloading. While he was downloading, Dimas gave me so many last words (cie...) but not about things I considered before. He told me to do things related to Unicore and Tian shi. After he finished talking about those things, I took some photographs to be put here while he kept singing Michael Jackson's song, You are not Alone.
After all, we played ( i don't know the game name) such a soccer game but we only have to swing the stick consisted of the players. It was fun! I like that game very much. The cost was only Rp 5.000,- per hour. I played in one team with Dimas (it was chosen randomly) while Matthew played alone. Surprisingly, ( we count a game one point) the score was 1-3 with 3 for Matthew and 1 for me and Dimas.
Then we played pool (biliar, but i don't know the exact name for it). We played nine ball game. The funny thing was that since it was late night, everybody started to be more sleepy and couldn't play in full of concentration. This made the game lasted for such a longer time than usual each. But, unfortunately, I had to go home at 1.
This is Dimas, being melancholic, singing a love song, remembering the love he has.
This is Matthew, seriously played the game and taught me how to play it.
1 comment:
teu...akhirnya ngisi jg d blogmu yaw,,,,
tenang ja teu yang namany ppisahan tu g slamany kq btw ntar kn jg bakalan ktemu,,,,,
teu tu jd temen baek yaw,alhamdulilah dmaz g salah pilih temen dsana,,,,,
teu tolong jaga dmaz yaw,,makasih teu....
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